The Glory Days

2-1 on the Night

1.5 points away from 3-0….2 points away from 4-0. Should have used

3 replies on “2-1 on the Night”

Oddly enough I see it the other way….1/2 pt(Iowa St) from going 2-2, and 1 pt (CS Full)from going 1-3. 2-1 is very fortunate to me. Look at the bright side. You see ‘hard luck’ last night, I see “got lucky”! I’ll take it. Congrats on the Maryland play. Solid win. GL the rest of the week.

yeah but fly if you watched the games, iowa state was up by 7 with 19 seconds to go, okie state missed a 2pt with 20 something seconds left and fullerton was saving the ball for the last shot, so in all three it was easier to win/push, then lose

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